Monday, August 01, 2005

CFMX 7 Certification Software?

Recently I got a mail from Brian Simmons, announcing the release of CFMX 7 Exam Buster.
In my opinion it is a really cool software for those preparing for CFMX 7 certification. I myself had used the software (though older version) for my CFMX 6.1 certification. I'll paraphrase the CFMX7 press release note :

CFMX Exam Buster 7.0 from CentraSoft (

CFMX Exam Buster 7.0 is the ultimate testing tool specifically designed to help ColdFusion MX 7.0 developers earn their ColdFusion MX 7.0 Certification through the Macromedia Certified Professional Program.

CFMX Exam Buster 7.0 has 875 questions designed to help you prepare for all aspects of the actual ColdFusion MX 7.0 Certification exam. CFMX Exam Buster 7.0 allows you to take thirteen different tests, topic tests for your weak areas, and the ability to create random tests.

All 875 questions have explanations and reference URLs to further aid your studies and build your ColdFusion knowledge.

During your test you can save your test in progress, submit comments, bookmark questions, pause your test, and much more. You can control the look and feel of the CFMX Exam Buster 7.0 application, by setting the fonts, colors, and appearance of many controls, to create a studying environment with which you are comfortable. After your test is scored, you will be shown a comprehensive breakdown of your test results.

There is a DEMO version on the Centrasoft website (, which allows you to check out all the features of the program, plus one whole test. At this moment the demo is still for the 6.0 exam, we will be releasing a 7.0 demo in the upcoming days.

I'm always asked whether CFMX Exam Buster works, and I'm proud to say that I obtained my Advanced ColdFusion MX 7.0 Developer Certification (6/3/05) and the ONLY study aid I used was my own CFMX Exam Buster 7.0. Worked like a charm.

Check out CFMX Exam Buster 7.0 today!
Brian Simmons
The ultimate ColdFusion MX 7.0 Certification testing tool:
Check out CFMX Exam Buster 7.0 at:

ColdFusion MX, and Macromedia are registered trademarks of Macromedia
Corporation. Macromedia Corporation in no way endorses or is affiliated with
Centrasoft Corporation.


Anonymous said...

Is there any sofware like this for Macromedia Flash certification as well?

Anonymous said...

Hi Prayank,
I'm looking for a way to plot numerical data [real not just integers] on the X axis, and display it in linear form.

I'm having trouble when I try to put a decimal number into a cfchartdata item, I get "An Error Occurred While Processing Request"
For input string: "11.36"..."

I get the same error when I use data from table.

If anyone else is interested in finding a solution I'd welcome the assistance.

prayank said...


I would like to have your sample cfml file to reproduce this problem.

Mail me at: pswaroop at macromedia dot com


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Hi prayank,

As a result of reading your blog "CFMX 7 Certification Software?", I think you will discover my site on TASP a great help.

We have over 200 study prep guides and aids to help you sail through your exams without weeks and months of endless studying. Pay us a visit now ... you will be amazed at how much help is available for passing tests!

Best Regards

Anonymous said...

Hi Prayank,

I am just starting to use cfchart. I think its really cool. I have not started using the xml file to customize the charts.

I have a couple of questions, I'd be really happy if you could give your thoughts on it.

Is it possible to force the charts to show all the dataitems on the axis, I tried using both horizontalbar and bar, but only some dataitems are displayed on the axis. I have 16 items from Bakery to Seafood in my chart, only 6 are displayed on the axis.

The other question is, is it possible to disable the animation, when the chart is being rendered on the screen. I still want to use flash format because the image is crisp only in flash.


Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot for what You are doing!Information, that I managed to find here
is extremely useful and essential for me!With the best regards!

Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot for this place, where people can leave their ideas and opinions, it's great!With the best regards!

Anonymous said...

Hello, thanks a lot, You'v done a great job.I can only realize how much time and resources does it take to create such a resource!Great work, I am impressed!

Adult High School Diploma said...

Your generosity in sharing this infomraiton means so much. Thanks a million.

梁爵 said...

因為我們一般收到酒店打工訊息 大都是從電影報章雜誌而來
而會有新聞報導價值的酒店PT新聞 通常是很特別很誇張的 這些新聞報導也許是有些接近酒店上班事實 但不是八大行業全部
(就如同捷運上有電車痴漢 但不是每班車隨時隨地有色狼啊 我們也常安全到家啊)
加上一般人的想法 這行總是只有負面 (當便利商店店員也會遇到砍人強劫)
其實凡事都有負面啊 端看自己怎麼面對
這行雖然不是賺錢最好的方式之一 但卻是最快的方式之一
我們只建議多了解多比較 看完環境 再做決定
別人只說這行的美好 但我們強調得失之間 去創造自己想要的生活
給自己一次機會 跨出第一步 若自覺不適合這行 就盡早打消夢幻的念頭 趕緊找其他出路 不是嗎??

梁爵 said...

2020.06.05酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容前「5566」成員小刀(彭康育)近年來轉居幕後,擔任娛樂公司執行長,而他同時也是「台玻集團」的駙馬爺,怎料今(3)爆出他和一名正妹過從甚密,經過調查後,驚人發現這名正妹姓甘,是「我在酒店上班的日子酒店名花」花名Amber,不僅和小刀有曖昧,同時和某科技小開上演愛的親親,甚至時間點就在見完小刀之後的隔天。據《不敢來酒店上班-酒店打工的原因》報導,小刀5月1日開始進出Amber的家中,5月19日就被直擊開著白色座車,停進正妹位在內湖區的豪宅停車場,約莫一個小時之後,才取車離開,結果酒店上班-酒店兼職-兼差如何達成人生的第一桶金就在隔一天也就是5月20日,換成另一名小開送Amber回家,晚上11點Amber要下車時還捧著一大束的玫瑰花,接著小開拉下Amber的口罩,霸氣親了上去,但Amber不想直接被親嘴,最後小開只親到臉頰。報導指出酒店兼差不是一個複雜的工作環境?,這名小開是身價3、40億的科技少東,而Amber的同事則爆料,職場須知 【酒店PT 】Amber手腕相當高明,通常對象不會只有一個,還清一色都是多金男,不過Amber已經有半年時間沒到酒店上班,或許就是因為很多愛慕者都主動送金,才能住在豪宅裡,過著貴婦般的生活;報導提到,Amber所待的酒店,消費方式是以10分鐘為1節計算,1節155元上下,小框15節、大框50節,粗估一晚都要消費萬元以上。

梁爵 said...
